
NEWSM4International Ceramics Festival ino’24NEWSOctober 18, 2024 ‒ November 17, 2024The International Ceramics Festival Mino is one of the world's largest ceramics festivals and it is held once every three years in Tajimi, Mizunami, Toki, and Kani cities, which are major ceramics production areas in Japan. The main event, “International Ceramics Exhibition Mino” and various projects related to Minoyaki are the pillars of the festival, and it aims to promote international exchange in ceramic design and culture.[Venue][Contact]Secretariat, International Ceramics Festival Mino Executive Committee4-2-5 Higashi-machi, Tajimi10:00 - 18:00 (Whole building open from 12:00on October 18 only)0572-25-4111WEBQRコードが入りますCeramics Park MINO

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